
Welcome to my Blog. I hope you find the posts interesting, informative and perhaps even entertaining(!). I'll update this Blog with my responses to topical stories of the day, important news and tales of my travels up and down the UK, meeting our inspirational nursing staff.

The RCN represents almost 400,000 nurses in the UK and is the country's largest nursing union.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

This Blog

This Blog is now inactive, instead you can read the latest Blogs, News and updates from the RCN's Facebook Page, the Frontline First website or of course, the RCN's website.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Peter,
    My wife is Type 1 diabetic for the last 28 years. 5 years ago she struggled to maintain her blood sugar, as her carer I became frustrated that we had to make so many calculations to get her insulin injection dose right. So I looked around for a calculator which would help. I found very little, so I developed one and had them made in China.

    We now sell them through our website www.thorpe-productsd.com however the take up has been very slow, since diabetic nurses cannot proscribe them to patients, and since all the blood meter and insulin pens are given free (of course they are not free because the NHS has to buy the meter strips and insulin), but so far as the diabetic is concerned they have to buy our calculator. (The calculator costs around £6.0 each).

    What I would like to see is that the NHS adopt the calculator to use as an education tool to assist diabetics to better calculate their insulin doses and thus better control their blood (saving the NHS millions of £’s) and free issue them to all type 1 disbetics.

    There is good evidence that the use of the calculator reduces HbA1c. Dr. Pozzilli of Barts group http://www.icms.qmul.ac.uk/Profiles/Diabetes/Pozzilli%20Paolo.htm ran a trial two years ago, you can see the results in this link: http://www.thorpe-products.com/images/Calsulin_-inglese.ppt

    I would be delighted to send you free samples for your own evaluation.

    Neil Bason
